Monday, June 2, 2014

6 Tips For Healthy Skin

6 Tips For Healthy Skin

Below are some healthy skin tips that will help you achieve a more clear complexion that is noticeable.

Healthy skin is a constant battle for some while others never seem to ever have any skin issues. I hope these 6 tips for healthier skin get you on the path you are hoping for.

1. Water :

Water is not only essential for overall health and
 proper body function, making sure that you drink 
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enough water through out your day will also improve your complexion and keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Water intake often depends on what you are doing, so if you are a very active person; you will require more water than a person who sits at a desk all day.

The overall consensus is that everyone should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water each day. That equates to roughly 1/2 gallon.

Water helps eliminate wastes and toxins that build up in the body and this "flush" will help your skin stay clear, bright, and blemish free.  

 2. Sleep:

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Getting enough rest at night is another essential component to healthy skin. While the known average of hours per night is always stated to be 8 hours; not everyone is the same. Just make sure that you are getting what your body requires whether it be 6 or 10 hours of sleep each night.

Sleep helps the body rejuvenate and heal itself from the inside out. By making sure that you have healthy sleep habits, your skin will thank you for it.

 3. Fruit:

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Eating healthy is a sure way to healthier skin. This includes making sure to include a liberal amount
of fruits to your diet. Fruit contains valuable and
needed vitamins and minerals that your body needs
to properly maintain itself.

Just like water flushes out toxins, fruit helps your skin by supplying it with essential vitamins, minerals, and oils needed to maintain healthy skin. This will also help clear up skin issues you may have and give you a very healthy skin glow.

4. Vegetables:

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Obviously you know that a decent in take of vegetables is a must if you want to maintain overall health. But did you know that many vegetables are high in anti-oxidants? Anti-oxidants are well known for their healing powers and anti-aging properties which means that your skin will definitely benefit.
 Leafy green vegetables are notably beneficial for skin health and spinach, kale, and other vegetables of that nature are extremely high in anti-oxidant healing power. Don't forget the broccoli!

5. Sun

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 While getting ample sunlight each day is good for you, getting tooo much can damage that which you are trying to make healthy. 20 minutes of sunlight is all each individual on this planet needs to produce natural vitamin D. This essential nutrient is produced naturally by the body and is produced by a chemical reaction between the skin and its exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin D helps the body fight off disease and infection. This is one reason why you are more prone to illness during the winter. Since most of     us spend more time indoors when it is cold out, we are not letting our skin get the sun exposure it needs to produce our daily need of this vitamin.

6. Nutritional Supplements:

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 Since you should be eating plenty of fruits and vegetables to get most of your skins needed nourishment, sometimes the body needs a little boost. Whether due to an underlying health issue or whether it is just from natural vitamin deficiency, you may need to add some vitamin supplements to your daily regimen.

This could include vitamin C, a known anti-oxidant which helps maintain a healthy balance of this essential vitamin needed for healthy skin and to boost the immune system.

Please visit my youtube channel for more healthy skin tips. Thanks for reading!

Click to go to my youtube channel. healthyskinspa

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